DRGP is now open

How to Book

Booking with DRGP

  1. Click on “book an appointment”

  2. Select an available time slot that suits you , we recommend 15-20 minutes for one medical issue and 30-40 minutes for 2 medical issues or a complex issue.

  3. Fill in your personal details and pre-pay for your consultation using our secure platform via Stripe payment

  4. Fill in a pre-consultation medical questionnaire form, we will want to know:

  5. a. what your medical concern is,
    b. existing medical problems,
    c. current medication
    d.drug allergies
    e. what you are expecting from the consultation e.g. referral, sick note, prescription

  6. You will need to upload a valid form of ID such as a passport or driving licence. This will be saved securely on the Semble platform. This ensures DRGP that we are speaking to the correct person. You can also upload an image if you want it reviewed (e.g. a rash or lump if appropriate. Please do not send images of intimate areas e.g. breast, genitals)

  7. A DRGP doctor will call by telephone or video call at the allocated time, please stay in a quiet place where you have privacy to speak freely to your doctor. For video calls you will receive a link by email for you to click to join the call.

  8. We will listen to your problem, offer you advice and treatment, make a shared plan and safety net for if symptoms get worse.

  9. If a DRGP doctor feels this is a medical emergency you will be advised to call 999 or attend your nearest A&E

  10. DRGP doctors can not prescribe controlled drugs and may need to speak to your own NHS GP if there are any safeguarding concerns or if we need clarification on potential drug interactions etc

  11. DRGP doctors can not prescribe controlled drugs and may need to speak to your own NHS GP if there are any safeguarding concerns or if we need clarification on potential drug interactions etc


Collect prescription for medication
Prescription for medication (Collection)

We will need to receive a copy of your photo identification (Passport or Driving licence) . You will then get an email or SMS text from our partnering company, Signature Rx who will send you a unique dispensing code. You can then take this to any major pharmacy to collect your medication within a few hours. If you have any issues at your pharmacy, the pharmacy can call Signature Rx support team on
0333 355 5990

Monday to Friday 9-6pm or 9-1pm on the weekend for queries on dispensing medication. Signature Rx will deal with any dispensing queries or problems.

Medicine delivery
Precription for medications (Delivery)

You can also get your medication delivered the next day to your door at an additional cost. Signature Rx provide us with paperless prescriptions sent securely to any pharmacy in the UK. The cost of the medication will vary depending on your pharmacies charge.

Private referral letter
Private referral letter to see a specialist

If you need to see a private specialist doctor e.g cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist etc, we can prepare a letter for you which can be emailed to you or you can download it from our platform. Private referral letters can then be taken to a private specialist of your choice at a private hospital near you. Remember DRGP cannot refer you to NHS hospital clinics or services. Only your NHS GP can refer you for NHS hospital services.

Private diagnostic imaging referrals
Private diagnostic imaging referrals

You may want to get further tests done privately such as MRI, CT , Ultrasound or X-rays. We can write a referral letter but you will need to find a private hospital and fund the diagnostic procedure yourself. If you book a follow up we can discuss the results but some tests might be better interpreted by a specialist doctor.

Sick notes
Sick notes

We can send you a sick note valid for up to 2 weeks. We can also suggest reduced hours, amended duties or phased return to work. We can not issue repeat sick notes after the 2 week period, you would need to see your own GP for this. (Remember you can self-certify for up to 7 days if you are unwell without a doctors note)

Medical Emergency referral
Emergency referral

There are some medical issues which might require you to seek emergency medical care, in these situations we would advise you attend you nearest A&E or call 999. We can provide you with an email of your consultation to take with you.

Referral for NHS GP
Referring back to your NHS GP

For some medical issues we may need to refer you back to your NHS GP to manage. This might be because you need a face to face examination, the medication we want to give may interact with existing medications, you may need a controlled drug or stronger pain killers which we can’t issue or it may be more cost effective for you to seek treatment on the NHS.

Follow up

Some treatments of medical issues will require follow up. You can book a follow up appointment with DRGP or you can speak to your own GP for follow up.

Medical consultation documents
Copy of your consultation

We will give you access to your consultation via secure email or via the platform. We would prefer to send a copy to your NHS GP but we need your consent for this. We can then let your NHS GP know what we have discussed and what treatment you have started.

DRGP Pathway


If you need to cancel your appointment, please let us know, we would like 2 hours’ notice where possible. If there are technical issues, then please email us on info@drgp.co.uk and we can reschedule the appointment.